"AI is evil"
"AI is evil"

"AI is evil"

A comment posted on one of the AI images I posted on social media without a hint of irony.

By this token, electricity is the most evil technology ever developed. In order to run and maintain electricity, humans have committed unspoken atrocities to wildlife and the environment, and may end up making the entire planet uninhabitable at some point. We are also actively stealing energy from future generations, consuming most of what is available to power it within just a handful of generations. Not to mention all the terrible things people have done to other people thanks to electricity.

I suppose every human alive today is complicit in that evil by simply harnessing electricity. Unplug that air conditioner, evil complicit scum!

I found it humorous that this person made this comment on social media, which also is a technology that has been harnessed for evil purposes.

submitted by /u/ShaneKaiGlenn
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