AI Is a Terrifying Purveyor of Bullshit. Next Up: Fake Science
AI Is a Terrifying Purveyor of Bullshit. Next Up: Fake Science

AI Is a Terrifying Purveyor of Bullshit. Next Up: Fake Science

  • AI tools like chatGPT and Google's AI tool are dangerous as they can generate misinformation and disinformation, making it difficult to determine what is true.

  • These tools can invent thoughts and create fake stories that seem plausible.

  • AI models like ChatGPT and GPT-4 ADA can generate persuasive but false statements and even create fake datasets to support preordained conclusions.

  • This poses a threat to scientific research and the ability to distinguish between real and fake information.

  • The proliferation of AI-generated content makes it increasingly challenging to parse authentic information from AI-generated bullshit.

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submitted by /u/NuseAI
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