AI in Organizations – How Can AI Reshape the Future of Work and the New Product Pipeline?
AI in Organizations – How Can AI Reshape the Future of Work and the New Product Pipeline?

AI in Organizations – How Can AI Reshape the Future of Work and the New Product Pipeline?

This is a question I've been thinking about a lot.

I recently thought through a derivation of this question which was prompted by a video of Steve Job's discussing what it's like building a great product, in which he said, "it's like keeping 5,000 things in your head at once and fitting them all together."

I tend to think that the management of an idea to a product, will sit in the domain of humans for a long time. Even when AI is provably smarter and better than humans at managing an idea to fruition, it may not be immediately wise to grant AI management power since it's possible their intentions may not align with the human species (although, sometimes humans intentions don't align with humanity).

I think that in an organization, AI will eventually chip away at the crafts involved in creating the idea, while the humans manage the idea to product pipeline.

There will likely come a time when being able to write, speak, and manage ideas will become just as, or more important, than doing them. If you have clarity of vision about what you want, and a machine exists that can do it better than you, your ability to communicate the task and the creation of the idea will complete the product pipeline.

I explore the full depth of this idea in my recent newsletter, Polished Rocks - AI Reshaping the Future of Work and the New Product Pipeline.

Can check it out here

submitted by /u/TheCryptoFrontier
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