I would like to introduce a tool I've created that among other things uses davinci and chat gpt. My wife is doing photography (regular and via Midjourney), and I'm hooked on Midjourney too, so we experienced the pain of titling and keywording photos for stock websites firsthand (additionally because English is not our native language, so coming up with big lists of relevant and cool keywords is very hard). So I being a programmer decided to solve that issue :)I've created an AI tool that uses multiple AIs (including Open AI) to analyze, title and keyword images. In a few minutes, you can keyword 100 images! See the demo on the homepage https://aikeywording.com/ Screenshot from the app (all the titles and keywords on the screenshot are AI generated based on the image input): Key features:
We used the tool for the past month and exclusively titled and keyworded Midjourney images using it, uploading our images to Adobe Stock website. Images sell well, so there is confirmation from the buyers that it works :)I've decided to share the tool with the world, so here it is https://aikeywording.com/ I hope others will find it useful. I would appreciate the feedback, and if there are any issues or ideas for improvements I would love to hear them! [link] [comments] |