AI I can train with my own art?
AI I can train with my own art?

AI I can train with my own art?

Context: I'm writing a paper that involves weighing the pros and cons of regulating what people are allowed to train their AI models with for creative purposes. It's a multi-modal research project with visuals, and I want to compare the quality of standard AI and a “personally trained” AI where I control what goes into it. Or at the very least the closest I can get to it for the purpose of the paper, as someone who certainly can't just make my own.

I won't need it for very long, so ease of installation is ideal, but as long as it's just doable that's fine.

One for images and one for text would actually be ideal, but I'm not familiar with the full capabilities of AI right now (hence the research paper, I'm very excited to learn more) so I'm not sure what's doable. Also happy to discuss the topic if anyone is interested, though I'm sure there's plenty to read about it on this subreddit.

submitted by /u/Frigginconfused
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