AI generator or chatbot
AI generator or chatbot

AI generator or chatbot

AI Story Generator free to inexpensive

Ai story writer

Not sure if a similar question has been asked, but I have been testing out a few different AI story generator/chat bots and I am having trouble finding one that fit my needs.

First need, I write psychological thrillers and Dark Romances. The ones I have found do not write violence or sexual scenes. Most of my stories are about murder, carnage and finding a semblance of twisted love along the way.

Second need most I have found, even for there "novel chatbot/generator" top out at about 20k words. My novels are between 80k and 100k

So I guess what I am asking is does anyone know of an AI writer or chatbot that will write for all genres and scenes that top out at more then 100k words?

bonus if it has a structure to assist with multi book series

submitted by /u/urLordV
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