AI for study plan generation based off of previous exam scores
AI for study plan generation based off of previous exam scores

AI for study plan generation based off of previous exam scores

Background: I'm a Physician Assistant student that is about to take the board exam (PANCE). In preparation for the PANCE we take End of Rotation (EOR's) exams after each required clinical rotation. We also take an End of Curriculum (EOC) exam that encompasses all the EOR's and is like a mini PANCE exam.

The content for each EOR never changes, such as cardiology, pulmonology, Gastrointestinal (GI), ect. However, each EOR is different and is graded/based on what that rotation is heavier on. An example is that Surgery has a lot of GI questions or like OBGYN has a lot of The exam questions all have a category such as diagnosis, diagnostic studies, history and physical, ect. All of which are weighted differently as well. Example, 20% of the exam will be about diagnosis and like 15% is history and physical and so on. So like you would have a percentage of question type and a percentage of what that EOR's emphasizes. Example, 10 questions in a cardiology section of that EOR and 5 of those questions are related to diagnosing that condition, the other 5 are related to the history and physical.

After you take an EOR you have given a score that is based on the national average. They give you details on the all the content, category, and condition that you missed a question on. So let's say I missed 4 of the 10 cardiology questions, of those 4, 2 of them are about diagnosis. So I'd know okay I have to work on the cardiology section about the history and physical of heart failure.

Lastly, the PANCE is the big dawg and it has its own set breakdown. Example 16% cardiology and 20% of the cardio section is about get it.

Question: Does anyone know of an AI that I could input all my previous scores and exam data into, and it would take into account all of the each individual EOR's and EOC's data. Then take information and produce a kind of individualized topic guide. The topics should be organized with how heavy its weighted on the actual PANCE exam breakdown.

So, let's say out of all the exams I took, I missed 40 cardio questions, and the majority of those questions were about diagnosis. Now based off the PANCE, I know cardio is 16% of the exam so that's important. I know I have to study cardio and specifically diagnosis. But maybe I don't care to learn/ take too much time on reviewing hematology. And with this handy dandy AI , It tells me that even though Heme is 5% of the PANCE, I've missed it consistently. Therefore, I should study it. I should study it more than the one of middle of the road content like the endocrine section which is 8% on the PANCE.

side note: I really dislike Hematology...

submitted by /u/r0d_b4nd4
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