AI For Analyzing Large Volumes of Text in Spreadsheet Format?
AI For Analyzing Large Volumes of Text in Spreadsheet Format?

AI For Analyzing Large Volumes of Text in Spreadsheet Format?

Hello. I'm currently looking through scholarships and have compiled a ~5000-column spreadsheet of a bunch of em. The goal is to filter these through to find the ones that are most relevant to me, then sort through those to find a list of scholarships to run by. I've been filtering just by deleting columns with disqualifying keywords, but I'm 30 minutes in and I've eliminated less than 500. Does anyone know of an AI tool that can go through the spreadsheet and filter as I need? I ran a few items through GhatGPT and it did well, but the character limit makes OpenAI infeasible.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Yocracra
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