AI extension of ourselves for business cases
AI extension of ourselves for business cases

AI extension of ourselves for business cases

Imagine this: a "cybernetic" extension of you in the digital world made to perform part of your sales in behalf of you. I think this is the future os selling as well as content creation, and many other things, an extension of yourself to do part of what you ALREADY do, but more efficiently.

I've actually recently developed a product/service within a CRM that is able to do that and I think it's the the start for something that will be the norm in a few years.

I've been trying to sell that and raise some discussions on this topic, l'd suggest looking at • r/aiagencymodel a community where people are discussing this new business model in which many who already are in sales could use to build something similar to help themselves with sales and appointment setting for example.

What do you guys think about something like that?

submitted by /u/False_Resident_941
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