AI Chatbot companies?
AI Chatbot companies?

AI Chatbot companies?

Curious to hear if anyone knows much about the AI Chatbot companies that are popping up. I'm doing some research into the market and trying to see how real/viable these businesses and products are.

The ones I have seen so far are: - Built by one young developer in a few weeks and he tweeted about getting to 20k mrr immediately. The product looks basic and it only works on your website text - Seems to be more robust, the guy behind it has had software businesses before and claims its doubling every few weeks. Has more robust ability to upload files, scale and be secure it seems - seems to be the most credible but not much I have seen out there.

My colleague dismisses all of them, says they are not real products, definitely not scalable, secure or robust enough for a proper enterprise user - I'm not sure so sure I think he's being harsh

There are also some other companies that do Digital Humans - only thing I can find online is that they start at $900 a month - again no pricing but their was page says it starts at 480k a year!

These ones seem a lot more credible and have been around for a while but not much evidence of customers etc.

Has anyone got any thoughts or experience with these types of companies?

submitted by /u/zascar
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