AI being used to analyze post history to auto moderate users
AI being used to analyze post history to auto moderate users

AI being used to analyze post history to auto moderate users

AI being used to analyze post history to auto moderate users

I won't say the community, and I'm not put out by the ban as its not a community I frequent, but I just got hit with this excuse for a ban. It seems wild to me that AI is now being used to analyze and auto moderate people on such vague and abusable grounds.

This isn't meant to be a whine-about-getting-banned post, I've just never seen this before, and it seems pretty concerning if this is going to become a the norm. The internet used to feel free, now I have bots with moderator power going through my post history looking for a reasons to ban, based on whatever arbitrary criteria.

We don't even trust AI to check if text was written by AI, and we trust it to do this?

submitted by /u/RiChessReadit
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