AI assistive tools able to do some or all of these tasks to help with some of the ongoing issues symptomatic of ADHD. anxiety, depression etc?
AI assistive tools able to do some or all of these tasks to help with some of the ongoing issues symptomatic of ADHD. anxiety, depression etc?

AI assistive tools able to do some or all of these tasks to help with some of the ongoing issues symptomatic of ADHD. anxiety, depression etc?

First off im not entirely sure how to frame this or even where I should be asking. So if im in the wrong place and you have a better suggestion that would be great. So far ive asked in LearnMachineLearning and MLQuestions but had no response.

As someone with various mental health and gifted learning issues with a history in IT (albeit a bit of a dusty unused one), this is something I have been thinking about for a very long time. Every time i look into it ive found the tech just wasnt really up for it without it being a huge nightmare anyway. Recently ive been looking at recent advances in things like chat GPT and similar AI and I feel its time to look again and see if there is anything that can help me that doesn't need an entire organization working on a mainframe to implement.

So here are some of the things I feel like it wouldn't be unreasonable for a computer to be able to help me with and im hoping people can let me know if its still a way off, if existing tools can do it, or if it would be something that doesnt exist but could with the existing ai models and which models would be most promising.

Im also a little worried about just how safe my data would be with 3rd party tools as a lot of what im asking for iis prettty personal. Ideally if computing power wasnt ludicrous i would like solutions that run locally.

Ive been considering getting a ChatGPT subscription to see what I can do myself, and with the new GPTs announcement it sounds like it might be even more capable for what im looking for. Ive held off so far because I keep reading things about gpt4s quality of answers going down, and also just unsure how safe/trustworthy OpenAI is. It would suck to put a whole heap of time into something only for them to become another google.

Anyway heres a rough outline of the sort of things that would have a major quality of life impact for me.

Smart data organization

  • Help organise existing and future google docs, emails, bookmarks, ever note and other notes and document files.
  • Initially prompt with suggestions for category and tagging metadata but learn based on the responses I give.
  • Learn how I classify information to better anticipate both storing and retrieving info.
  • Keep my unfinished thoughts and ideas and remind me of them if im thinking about something similar

Ultimate Goal

When trying to solve a problem or complete some task, I want something to help me find research or brainstorming or other work I have done in the past that might be relevant when working on a new task.

Eventually if I have taken some notes on a subject already I would like the AI to suggest any existing relevant work for what I am working on currently.

  • As an aide to memory
  • So I dont write the same thing twice
  • Solutions or partial solutions ive come up with for the same or similar problems.

Scheduler and Reminder

  • Accept future but unclear tasks I wish to do

    • Something I want to do just not sure when
    • Occasionally remind me of it, especially if i am at a loss of what to do
  • Track existing appointments and remind me about them in ways im actually going to find useful and at useful times

  • Track existing deadlines and help me achieve them

    • break down tasks into smaller ones
    • help me allocate reasonable amounts of time to work and help me keep on schedule
    • help me with things that are coming up that might interfere
  • Keep track of my day and suggest tasks based on what I am doing

    • Remind me to take my meds when im out of bed or before I leave the house
    • Remind me of groceries I need to get if im near a supermarket
    • Suggest it might be a good time to take a break, or go for a walk.
  • Help me keep track of upcoming bills and costs, renewals

  • Get me to do a small chunk of a existing or ongoing bigger task so it doesnt become overwhelming, this includes cleaning tasks

    I would even be happy for this to include cameras watching me to see my mood or activity at my workshop, my computer, my room, make sure im up etc.

Research Assistant

Help me research things I want to know, work as a intermediary between search engines and myself.

Find and summarise possible solution alternatives from varied online sources, suggest pros and cons, (eventually suggest which might be best for me based on my skill set)

Compare products, or the price of a product on different sites, alert for sales

Health Assistant

Help me maintain good habits and overcome bad ones

Help me with day schedules and sleep pattern

Help me maintain more social contact, with my energy levels in mind

Help me with nutrition and exercise.

Finally.. help me get better at all these tasks myself.

submitted by /u/alfihar
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