Ai alignment resources
Ai alignment resources

Ai alignment resources

I’m looking for subreddits and resources in general for Ai alignment. I recently read Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark and The Alignment Problem by Brian Christian. I was unaware so much was going on in the space. I am CEO of an AI startup, we have a compassionate AI. Most of the alignment focus out there is on superintelligence, little out there focuses on building modern day Ai that benefits humans. That’s been my focus for 17 years when I dreamed up what was possible and sent a proposal to executives at the mfaang corporation I was working at. I found out back then business doesn’t give a rats ass about Ai that actively makes its users life’s better. Well now I have proof that customers care. I’m hoping to find some resources on Ai alignment groups, conferences, more books etc. I’ll need to hire skilled ml engineers who do give a rats ass. Compassionate Ai isn’t just feel good tech. It would be good to do some networking. AI alignment doesn’t have to wait for AGI and super intelligence. It can and should be a focus today. My startup is proving it. Hoping to find a conference to network and share our research.

submitted by /u/xyz_TrashMan_zyx
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