AGI implemented direct-democracy, in building new enhanced society’s for the future…
AGI implemented direct-democracy, in building new enhanced society’s for the future…

AGI implemented direct-democracy, in building new enhanced society’s for the future…

AGI-enhanced direct-democracy:

- Not for implementation in existing major functioning democracies... e.g. = not for USA! but for smaller regions, at least initially...

- AGI can support and enhance direct democracy by providing unbiased information, facilitating communication and deliberation, and helping to implement the decisions of the community.

- Rapid implementation in times of crisis: AGI-enhanced direct-democracy can be quickly implemented in areas affected by disasters or societal collapse, helping to restore order and rebuild society...

- Very useful when creating off planet human colonies and societies, with need for highly efficient resource allocation and optimised citizen health and wellbeing.

- Historical success of direct democracy: Direct democracy has been successful throughout history and can help to reduce corruption and increase participation in decision-making. AGI models being proposed can enhance direct-democracy in a new advanced technological society.

- Mitigating human excesses: AGI can help to moderate evolved human behaviors that can be damaging to society, such as corruption, excess self-interest, greed, violence, biases, inequity, etc. As AI will not have these evolved human proclivities.

- Improved societal functioning: By supporting direct democracy and mitigating human excesses, AGI can help to create a more fair, transparent, and effective system of governance.

- Enhanced resource allocation, environmental protection/monitoring/management, and scientific advancement.

- Transparency and control: AGI-enhanced direct democracy can provide greater transparency and control over the use of AGI in governance, compared to the current system where politicians and civil servants can and likely do use AI/AGI behind the scenes regardless without public oversight, to feather their own nests and excess power. This can help to mitigate fears about AGI governance, rogue elements, and ensure that decision-making is ultimately accountable to the people.

submitted by /u/onvisual
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