AGI/ASI: How do you plan/prep/train for what lies ahead? Is it time or /r/aisurvival?
AGI/ASI: How do you plan/prep/train for what lies ahead? Is it time or /r/aisurvival?

AGI/ASI: How do you plan/prep/train for what lies ahead? Is it time or /r/aisurvival?

I'm halfway through Situational Awareness and the thesis is quite convincing in its various arguments.

We are on course for AGI by 2027. These AI systems will basically be able to automate basically all cognitive jobs (think: all jobs that could be done remotely).

What does it mean for us? What should a 22yo junior software engineer do? How should parents approach this when looking at their kids future? How does our communities can prepare for the best.. and the worst?

We hear a lot about #aisafety, the need for regulation etc... but much less on what this could mean at the individual level, both in terms of risks and opportunities. How to approach this today, given the uncertainties, to minimise individual impact and maximise individual opportunities?

Are they any hashtags, communities, conferences, authors, influencers looking at this from the point of view of the individual? If you've come across anything or have personal opinion on this, I'd love to read it!

submitted by /u/eschnou
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