After OpenAI’s Blowup, It Seems Pretty Clear That ‘AI Safety’ Isn’t a Real Thing
After OpenAI’s Blowup, It Seems Pretty Clear That ‘AI Safety’ Isn’t a Real Thing

After OpenAI’s Blowup, It Seems Pretty Clear That ‘AI Safety’ Isn’t a Real Thing

  • The recent events at OpenAI involving Sam Altman's ousting and reinstatement have highlighted a rift between the board and Altman over the pace of technological development and commercialization.

  • The conflict revolves around the argument of 'AI safety' and the clash between OpenAI's mission of responsible technological development and the pursuit of profit.

  • The organizational structure of OpenAI, being a non-profit governed by a board that controls a for-profit company, has set it on a collision course with itself.

  • The episode reveals that 'AI safety' in Silicon Valley is compromised when economic interests come into play.

  • The board's charter prioritizes the organization's mission of pursuing the public good over money, but the economic interests of investors have prevailed.

  • Speculations about the reasons for Altman's ousting include accusations of pursuing additional funding via autocratic Mideast regimes.

  • The incident shows that the board members of OpenAI, who were supposed to be responsible stewards of AI technology, may not have understood the consequences of their actions.

  • The failure of corporate AI safety to protect humanity from runaway AI raises doubts about the ability of such groups to oversee super-intelligent technologies.

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submitted by /u/NuseAI
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