Academic Survey – How do you feel about companies using AI to interact with their customers? (Anyone 18+)
Academic Survey – How do you feel about companies using AI to interact with their customers? (Anyone 18+)

Academic Survey – How do you feel about companies using AI to interact with their customers? (Anyone 18+)

Are you interested in having your say on the future of AI development? Do you want to provide feedback on how AI is used, and have that be presentable to companies?

As part of my MSc in Computer Science, my final research project is studying the ethical and social impacts of AI, and in particular how retail companies use AI. This includes data collection, chatbots, autonomous vehicles, and the like, as well as a discussion of issues such as training bias and dehumanisation. The penultimate part of my study involves gathering data on how members of the public feel about how AI is used, how much they understand it, and whether they're optimistic about the development of this technology.

If you're interested in contributing to my research, I am very appreciative! Please click on the link below to go to my survey page on Google Forms. The survey - and required reading - is expected to take no more than 15 minutes. All the information you need is on the page.

Thank you for your time. :)

(According to the rules of the subreddit, I need to contact the mods before I post a link to an academic survey. I have done so, but received no reply, so I thought it better to ask for forgiveness than further permission at this point. I hope the mods understand and allow this one cheeky post in the name of science.)

submitted by /u/Grymbaldknight
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