A tool and/or workflow suggestion for removing a specific person from a podcast.
A tool and/or workflow suggestion for removing a specific person from a podcast.

A tool and/or workflow suggestion for removing a specific person from a podcast.

I have a tech podcast that I listen to with three hosts who share roughly equal airtime. Host #1 is incredibly smart and insightful and host #2 is okay, but has enough success in the industry to at least have semi-informed opinions. Host #3 is completely useless, and listening to him blather on for 10 minutes repeating the most banal, utterly pointless conventional wisdom has gotten painful.

I basically stick around for Host #1, but it's gotten to the point where I'm about to stop listening because I find Host #3 to be so vapid.

I'm assuming that there is good AI audio person detection software that can classify different voices and perhaps trained to identify individuals. What is the best tool for this? I'm imagining a workflow where I download the podcast, either splice Host #3 out (which will be jarring, but potentially worth it) or remove any time he talks largely uninterrupted for more than N minutes, and then repost it to a private feed.

Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/wildgunman
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