A milestone for DeepMind Health and Streams
A milestone for DeepMind Health and Streams

A milestone for DeepMind Health and Streams

In November we announced a groundbreaking five year partnership with the Royal Free London to deploy and expand on Streams, our secure clinical app that aims to improve care by getting the right information to the right clinician at the right time.The first version of Streams has now been deployed at the Royal Free and were delighted that the early feedback from nurses, doctors and patients has so far been really positive. Some of the nurses using Streams at the hospital estimate that the app is saving them up to two hours per day, giving them more time to spend with patients in need. And were starting to hear the first stories of patients whose conditions were picked up and acted on faster thanks to Streams alerts.Patients likeAfia Ahmed, who was seen more quickly thanks to the instant alerts. You can read more about the deployment and some of the early positive signs over on the Royal Frees website.