A home made AI "smart fridge system".
A home made AI "smart fridge system".

A home made AI "smart fridge system".

I would like to start off with I know the bare minimum when it comes to coding. I'm pretty good with computers in general and have always been able to do something with enough googling.

I recently read an article about Samsung that talked about a fridge that they had at CES that used cameras to identify 33 food items and track what they are, nutritional information, spoil time, and stock. I have been pretty hands off with AI while keeping up with all of the newest improvements so once I saw that it was going to have only 33 food items and also be set up to be used in the samsung environment I wondered "can I do better?"

So I booted up my laptop, downloaded vscode, python, and launched chat gpt. I figured that I could at the least bit learn something about python if nothing else.

Well in the few days that I have been working on this project I have a program that is able to identify thousands of foods with little error, parse the data to itemize it better for the other systems, give each item nutritional information, log it into inventory, and then have a gpt-4-turbo assistant analyze the inventory and recognize trends, recommend recipes, give insight, etc. All of this is available to use via an extremely simple to use GUI.

The journey is far from over, and if you guys are interested I can update with photos and more information about it or even give you the latest build that I have compiled into a .exe. I don't plan to beat out samsung, but I feel like having a cheap alternative "smart fridge" system that can run on a raspberry pi would be pretty cool!

There are still some huge features that I'm in the process of adding that could make or break the project to either be something exciting or a wall that my skill and chatgpt's skill just can't get around. It's crazy what AI is capable of though!

submitted by /u/jaden530
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