A ‘Godfather of AI’ Calls for an Organization to Defend Humanity
A ‘Godfather of AI’ Calls for an Organization to Defend Humanity

A ‘Godfather of AI’ Calls for an Organization to Defend Humanity

  • Yoshua Bengio, a pioneer in artificial neural networks and deep learning, calls for an organization to defend humanity against the potential threats of artificial intelligence.

  • He believes that AI could achieve human levels of cognitive competence within a few years or decades, which raises concerns about democracy, national security, and our collective future.

  • Bengio reflects on his own work and the importance of addressing the existential risks posed by AI.

  • He acknowledges that these risks were not taken seriously until recently and discusses the taboo surrounding the topic in the AI research community.

Source : https://thebulletin.org/2023/10/ai-godfather-yoshua-bengio-we-need-a-humanity-defense-organization/

submitted by /u/NuseAI
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