2024 is world’s biggest election year ever and AI experts say we’re not prepared
2024 is world’s biggest election year ever and AI experts say we’re not prepared

2024 is world’s biggest election year ever and AI experts say we’re not prepared

  • The year 2024 is expected to have the largest number of elections worldwide, with over two billion people across 50 countries heading to the polls.

  • Experts warn that we are not prepared for the impact of AI on these elections, as generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney have gone mainstream.

  • There is a concern about AI-driven misinformation and deepfakes spreading at a larger scale, particularly in the run-up to the elections.

  • Governments are considering regulations for AI, but there is a need for an agreed international approach.

  • Fact-checkers are calling for public awareness of the dangers of AI fakes to help people recognize fake images and question what they see online.

  • Social media companies are legally required to take action against misinformation and disinformation, and the UK government has introduced the Online Safety Act to remove illegal AI-generated content.

  • Individuals are advised to verify what they see, diversify their news sources, and familiarize themselves with generative AI tools to understand how they work.

Source: https://news.sky.com/story/2024-is-worlds-biggest-election-year-ever-and-ai-experts-say-were-not-prepared-13030960

submitted by /u/NuseAI
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