Dynamic complexity in an integrated world
Dynamic complexity in an integrated world

Dynamic complexity in an integrated world

Having looked at the world through the networked ecosystem lens, you need to get an understanding of dynamic complexity. Ecogenetic thinking refers to the way in which we see ecosystems as genetically interconnected and Open Value Networks and elements. Interconnectedness not just as a horizontal plane, but also on a vertical plane. Look at this video clip showing some new technology where all of the worlds imagery (and media) can be interconnected and represented in a virtual manner.

In this visually integrated world, companies that do not understand their place in this highly complex interconnected and abstract world, will find it difficult to compete. The reality is that it is almost impossible for any organization to have an understanding of how things really work. It is required to have a more (McKinsey Tech Trends reinforcing this view) co-creation and co-production oriented technology focus.. You are trying to get a glimpse of how your position changes in different directions as many uncontrollable events change the make-up and shape of your landscape. Will be be able to visualize our entire competitive landscape in the same way?

Trying to compete in this complex setting by using old-school thinking, is just not going to make it in the future. That’s why it’s easier to copy someone else’s model and innovations than to make your own. It is easier to become a fast follower than to drive the business towards becoming a prime mover. Fast followers are those that copy blindly based on their view of how the competitive landscape is unfolding. Prime movers are those that have the capability to structurally renew themselves over time as social shifts take place.