Human mash-ups and jobs
Human mash-ups and jobs

Human mash-ups and jobs

I’ve been “on the road” for the last few years shaping a story of innovation across industries. This journey started at a Lab Day in San Jose in April 2014. Our workshop attendees were all getting ready for Finovate, a digital banking innovation showcase. Humans are affected by innovation in the face of invention. Are the leaders shaping a future that the laggards will be part of?

This extract from Built to Thrive, made me think that an update is needed anytime soon:

Mash-ups in the form of crowdsourcing and social-based innovation will form the underpinning for human value in an era of increased automation. As we strive for recognition and to be part of collectives that will define individuality, we move into socially connected spheres of activity and away from the intellectually inhibiting processes of repetitive labor. Two phenomena are occurring simultaneously. Firstly, we are being pushed out of jobs that can be replaced by automated machines, forcing us to rethink our place in the ecosystem. Secondly, we naturally seek meaning in our lives, which steers us away from the activities we are being forced away from anyway.

What happens when billions of people are educated and interconnected socially? With the intellectual abilities of the human collective being pooled through platforms of social activity and interconnectedness, we will see the greatest explosion of new technology in our history. Knowledge is becoming a shared and accessible commodity, and it is amplified through the mashed-up activity and interactions of billions of individuals. How do you fit into this new scenario?